Email endpoint can't send email in own vps, forgot password didn't run

I’ve made the server in my vps, has been successful for dashboard, data bucket and run perfectly, thanks for
but there is one problem that is when forgot password to login, I try to reset password, but no email sent, I try also end point email also can not send email.
for additional information I use smtp gmail server in smtp server thinger setting.
is there anybody who can help me

We have some issues regarding SMTP compatibility in local deployments. We are working on them. Do you have access to other SMTP server?

Hi, same here.
Use own hosted VPS, and cannot send email endpoint.
Any update regarding to this @Delta_Electronics?

Hi all,
Just investigate in the server log and got this messages regarding email endpoint :
2018-01-29T00:24:27.546713 info [Thing Connection] [soketpintar2@soketpintar] Received Keep Alive!
2018-01-29T00:25:27.876779 info [Thing Connection] [soketpintar2@soketpintar] Received Keep Alive!
2018-01-29T00:25:28.206236 info [Thing Connection] [soketpintar2@soketpintar] Calling Endpoint: hi_temp
2018-01-29T00:25:28.206626 error [Email Interface] Cannot send email to ‘’. No email interface initialized

Where can i get email interface to configure it?
Any hint @alvarolb ?

sorry long time do not reply, I’ve tried using another smtp server that we manage ourselves, but still can not send email. I’ve also try unsecured connection still can not, please help me alvaro, so the thinger server can run on our own vps server.

Can you post your Configurator file? I have a server running in an azure vm and my smtp E-Mail Server is working without a problem.

where is the con

figurator file?, is it config.json? that in var/snap/thinger-maker-server/common/config.json?

Yes this is the config file:

I thing domain should be “”.
Host should be ""
and sercure should be “true”

Does it work?

Best regards,

1 Like

Did you tried with domain as, and username m.januar.susanto ?

Hi, have you been able to solve your problem? I think I’m in a similar situation
I can not configure the mail, or hotmail, or gmail, probe with several ports, I’m missing something.
Is there any place where you keep the log? to see what is happening?
I do not think it’s the sketch, since I’m with a basic example.
Thank you

1 Like

Any update regarding this issue?

I’ve got similar issue. I hosted a VPS thingerio server and I added smtp configuration in config.json using my gmail account, then saved it.
When i tried to restart the thingerio, it resulted failed warning like this :

#sudo service snap.thinger-maker-server.thingerd status
● snap.thinger-maker-server.thingerd.service - Service for snap application thinger-maker-server.thingerd
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/snap.thinger-maker-server.thingerd.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: inactive (dead) (Result: core-dump) since Wed 2018-03-28 06:23:46 UTC; 29s ago
Process: 1214 ExecStart=/usr/bin/snap run thinger-maker-server.thingerd (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Main PID: 1225 (code=dumped, signal=ABRT)

Mar 28 06:23:45 envinix-512mb-sgp1-01 systemd[1]: snap.thinger-maker-server.thingerd.service: Main process exited, code=dumped, status=6/ABRT
Mar 28 06:23:45 envinix-512mb-sgp1-01 systemd[1]: snap.thinger-maker-server.thingerd.service: Unit entered failed state.
Mar 28 06:23:45 envinix-512mb-sgp1-01 systemd[1]: snap.thinger-maker-server.thingerd.service: Failed with result ‘core-dump’.
Mar 28 06:23:46 envinix-512mb-sgp1-01 systemd[1]: snap.thinger-maker-server.thingerd.service: Service hold-off time over, scheduling restart.
Mar 28 06:23:46 envinix-512mb-sgp1-01 systemd[1]: Stopped Service for snap application thinger-maker-server.thingerd.
Mar 28 06:23:46 envinix-512mb-sgp1-01 systemd[1]: snap.thinger-maker-server.thingerd.service: Start request repeated too quickly.
Mar 28 06:23:46 envinix-512mb-sgp1-01 systemd[1]: Failed to start Service for snap application thinger-maker-server.thingerd.

It happened frequently whenever i restarted thingerio.
it cannot be like this, since every change on config file we have to restart the thingerio.
Is it a bug for thingerio? @alvarolb
Anyone experience the same?

Hi, looking at the log, the errors shown happened once at the startup (all in the same minute and almost the same second, so the server is refusing to start, although snap is trying many times). Probably due to a malformed JSON config file, or bad parameters. So, check out your config file and try to see if there is any information in the log.

Hi, i’ve check my config.json file after adding smtp parameter.
My smtp parameter on config file is like this:

“email” : {
“domain” : “”,
“type” : “smtp”,
“smtp” : {
“host” : “”,
“port” : “465”,
“username” : “astonix”,
“password” : “****************”,
“secure” : true

Is there any misconfiguration on my smtp parameter?

Today, i tried to delete those smtp parameter, restart thingerio, then the platform is working fine.


Is anyone has the same experience regarding SMTP parameters on config file?


i’ve tried another email service like Sendgrid to use SMTP relay for sending email notification.
Here’s my SMTP parameters on config.json based on SendGrid setting :

“email” : {
“domain” : “”,
“type” : “smtp”,
“smtp” : {
“host” : “”,
“port” : “465”,
“username” : “kirimemail”,
“password” : “*****************************”,
“secure” : true

When i restarted thinger service, it looks failed. I’ve tried another port like 587 (for unencrypted), but still failed. Then i delete all of SMTP parameters, restarted thinger and thinger service working fine.

I think this is a bug in thinger platform when using SMTP parameters on config file .

I am pushing a new snap version right now which should solve the SMTP problems with Gmail (tested with my own account). It also fixes many other issues of custom deployments, i.e, links for download exported buckets, links for complete registration with email, password recovery, etc. Will keep you updated when you can test the new beta version :wink:

Hi, good news!
I am waiting for your update to test the new beta version.

Hi @astonix,

you can try the beta release update now… but it is not a definitive release. Please update with

sudo snap refresh thinger-maker-server --beta

The email configuration changed a little bit, and has ben tested fine with Gmail accounts.

 	"email" : {
   	"type" : "smtp",
   	"domain" : "",
   	"sender" : "alvarolb",
   	"smtp" : {
   		"host" : "",
   		"port" : "465",
   		"username" : "",
   		"secure" : true

Note that there is now a sender and domain field, that will be used to compose the final sender email (in this case This is required, as some SMTP servers use a username different than the sender (i.e. Amazon SES).

This beta version fixes several problems while downloading buckets, password reminder, email verification, logging, dashboards sharing, and add a new feature for testing endpoints. It is the new base for the next planned features! :slight_smile:


Hi @astonix did you tested the beta version and the email? Let us know!


Hi @alvarolb
I just updated to the beta version.
When i checked thingerio status, it seems like thingerio is active but cannot be accessed by browser.

sudo service snap.thinger-maker-server.thingerd status
● snap.thinger-maker-server.thingerd.service - Service for snap application thinger-maker-server.thingerd
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/snap.thinger-maker-server.thingerd.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Sat 2018-04-14 10:30:20 UTC; 1h 8min ago
Process: 16102 ExecStart=/usr/bin/snap run thinger-maker-server.thingerd (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Main PID: 16119 (thinger)
Tasks: 2
Memory: 40.9M
CPU: 1.775s
CGroup: /system.slice/snap.thinger-maker-server.thingerd.service
└─16119 thinger --fork --runpath=/var/snap/thinger-maker-server/common

systemd[1]: Starting Service for snap application thinger-maker-server.thingerd…
thinger[16119]: looking for plugins in ‘/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/sasl2’, failed to open directory, error
thinger[16119]: looking for plugins in ‘/usr/lib/sasl2’, failed to open directory, error: No such file or
systemd[1]: Started Service for snap application thinger-maker-server.thingerd.

Looks like it needs more plugins for the beta version, isnt’it?