Pi3 Server - Export Data Bucket

Hi - I’m trying to export my data bucket on my Pi3 server.
I choose to export all data.
I see the message that I will receive an email when the data is ready.
But I never get the email.

I assume there is something wrong with some SMTP setting that should be in the server for my email service.
But I can’t see anywhere in the Thinger Server settings that I can check or correct the email settings.

Can someone point me to where I can check and edit SMTP email settings in the RPi3 server?

Hi, this thread may help you Email endpoint can't send email in own vps, forgot password didn't run


Thanks for the tip.

I’m very newb here.
How do I access the config file?
I’ve logged into Ubuntu in my Rpi.
Now I need to find the config file but I can’t see any files when I use “dirs”
Sorry - I need some basic help here :slight_smile: