Community Release Date: 2023-02-13
Private Instances Release Date: 2033-02-16
Support for ARM64 (Raspberry Pi, Apple M1, Apple M2).
New ‘Syncs’ feature inside the Toolbox section: Semaphores for distributed IoT devices that can be used for bandwidth limiters, access control, max number of devices doing OTA, etc. This feature can be used both from API or IOTMP devices using new lock_sync and unlock_sync methods. Each lock acquires a fixed number of slots if they are available.
In the mobile version, using Chrome Mobile, it is only showing the first 25 devices in the scrollbar. The other devices are hidden. I can only view it by filtering the devices with the Projects bar or using the search bar.
I am not very experienced on advanced configuration.
I have just created a dashboard based on Bucket information, to basically show that information on different tabs.
For example, in this tab I have used 4-5 different graphs that are larger than screen vertical size.
On latest version I could do vertical scroll on PC by mouse, and on mobile by finger , but in this new 5-beta version can not.
Have a dude.
It is possible to define position for on screen widgets ??
I mean
For example I have some widgets filling wide screen
but when changed to smallest minimized windows it looks like mobile view, as one vertical column
and looks like widgets possition are “random” located
my first widget is not the first, and so on
is there any instruction to organize widgets under mobile view different than computer monitor ??
Hope you can understand what I mean
On mobile view the widgets are ordered as they appear in code, you can order them by ordering in the code, currently there are not a visual way to order them as you can order the desktop view.