The context is the next: I want to show in a table a property called “scene”. The structure of this property “scene” can change. I mean, the number of properties into the “scenes” can change: “scene1”, “scene2”, “scene3”, etc.
Every row of that table (the table has a header) is one of that “sceneX” of that device. For that reason, I am creating that table dinamically. Everything works ok, but the problem that I have is the next: in the last column, I put an <input>
with type “checkbox”. It shows the property “state” of the “sceneX” (this is a boolean variable) and it changes that property if the user click on it.
The problem: When the user click on it, the function does not run, so the property “state” does not change.
I am adapting my case to this example: https://docs.thinger.io/features/dashboards#angularjs-directive-update-device-properties
I have put the variables into AngularJS Directive, in this:
$scope.$watch('value', function(newVal, oldVal) {}
I have gotten the state of “sceneX” in this way (it works):
//Leer el estado de la escena (para luego indicarlo con el botón)
var isActive = myObjScene.scenes[sceneKey].active;
I have created the table, and it shows the button with the state value obtained:
var isActive = myObjScene.scenes[sceneKey].active;
if (isActive) {
cell4.innerHTML = '<label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" class="toggle-switch" ng-change="toggleSceneState(' + sceneNumber + ')" ng-model="isActive" checked><span class="slider"></span></label>';
} else {
cell4.innerHTML = '<label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" class="toggle-switch" ng-change="toggleSceneState(' + sceneNumber + ')" ng-model="isActive"><span class="slider"></span></label>';
Notice that I am putting dinamically the sceneNumber: It works well, in the console I can see the correct value of “isActive” (state property) and the correct sceneNumber:
// ng-change="toggleSceneState(2)
// ng-model="isActive"
But when I click on it (like an user), it never runs the function for change the device property “state”:
// Función para cambiar el estado de la escena y enviar al servidor
$scope.toggleSceneState =function(sceneNumber) {
console.log("Entro en la función toggleSceneState");
I do not undersant why the function does not trigger when I click on this button. I believe that is correct to put “ng-change” in that input, no?
Help please!
Thank you in advance!