What acronyms are these

While making call to <thinger_server>/v1/users/<username>/stats

it returns following json somthing like this:

{ "buckets": { ..... }, "dashboards": { .... }, "devices": { "connected": 1, "created": 2, "limit": 2, "usage": [{ "bw": 82, "cn": 2, "dc": 0, "ep": 0, "ka": 28, "rx": 2133, "ts": 1603756800000, "tx": 22319 }] }, "endpoints": { ........ }, "tokens": { .......... } }

My question is, what exactly are these acronyms ( bw, cn, dc, ep, ka, rx, ts, tx )
Like for example: ts is timestamp… ( and I guess bw is bytes written).
So What are rest of these acronyms?

does anyone know…

Hi, this is the meaning:

  • bw: Bucket writes (number of bucket write)
  • cn: Connection Number (how many connections being established)
  • dc: Device calls (number o calls to another devices)
  • ep: Endpoint calls (number of endpoint calls)
  • ka: Number of keep alive received
  • rx: Number of bytes received by devices
  • tx: Number of bytes transmitted by devices
  • ts: Timestamp of the day

Hope it helps!

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Thanks a lot!