We are now selling our ClimaStick Hardware!

Did you know that we are now selling our ClimaStick hardware?

It is a device with:

  • On-board environmental sensing (Temperature, Humidity, Pressure, Lux)
  • On-board motion sensing (Accelerometer, Gyroscope, Compass)
  • Arduino compatible
  • WiFi b/g/n connectivity based on ESP8266
  • Compatible with Thinger.io and Secure TLS connections
  • Small dimensions (17×37 mm)

Check more details here: ClimaStick

Or see a video of the device in action:


Hello, I am from Brazil, and I would like to be purchasing the equipment for monitoring freezing chambers, how does the part of the temperature sensor work?
Is it embedded in the module itself or does it need to be purchased separately?

Thank you

Best regards

Hi, the device contains all the sensors in the same board! So it does not require external sensors.