πŸš€ VSCode Extension and Arduino Library for Thinger.io!

We are excited to announce the release of our new VSCode Extension and Arduino Library versions! Check out the release notes below:

:link: Arduino Library v2.30.0
:link: VSCode Extension v1.1.0

What’s New? :tada:

Firmware Versioning:
We have introduced a new feature for firmware versioning, which can be defined both in code or using a build flag in platformio.ini. With version control on your firmware, the VSCode extension extracts the version number automatically from your binary and updates only the required devices. For more details, visit Firmware Versioning Documentation.

Arduino Library v2.30.0 Highlights

Release Notes:
:wrench: OTA Updates:

  • Added THINGER_OTA_VERSION to manage firmware versions and skip updates on devices with the same firmware version.
  • Improved checksum verification for OTA updates.

:desktop_computer: Arduino Portenta/Opta Devices:

  • Added OTA implementation, including LZSS compression.
  • Initial support for Ethernet connectivity.
  • Updated examples for using thinger.io as an Mbed thread.
  • New examples for Arduino Opta, including relay and status LED control.

VSCode Extension v1.1.0 Highlights

Release Notes:
:date: Bulk OTA Updates:

  • Perform OTA updates across multiple devices simultaneously, saving time and ensuring all devices have the latest firmware.

:mag: Firmware Detection:

  • Requires Arduino Library v2.30.0 or newer.
  • Enhanced detection based on THINGER_OTA_VERSION to prevent re-flashing the same firmware version.
  • Dynamic version setting using Git tags or bypass version validation.

:satellite: Input/Output Monitoring:

  • Real-time monitoring of data sent and received by devices for better tracking and diagnostics.

:memo: Logging Enhancements:

  • Improved logging for successful OTA updates.
  • Comprehensive log summarizing all OTA updates.

:wrench: Compression and Maintenance:

  • Fixed LZSS compression issues for Arduino Opta and Portenta devices.
  • Updated dependencies and completed a full code refactor for better performance and readability.

Join the discussion and stay updated on our Discord community! If you have any questions or need support, we’re here to help. Happy coding! :computer::sparkles:

#ThingerIO #Arduino #VSCode #IoT #FirmwareUpdate