Value converting

I am realizing an project in sigfox and thinger. Is it possible to convert the values I got from sigfox. My problem is, that I can only send 12 Byte with Sigfox at the same time. So I have to convert my values from float to integer by multiplication with 100 but then have to divide it by 100 in thinger. It would be nice to see the right value direct in thinger. Is it possible?
Value 2.45

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Yes for sure, but you need to use the node-red plugin, with that you can make arithmetic operations at the cloud, with the incoming values.

Hope this helps

Moreover, we have a plugin for Sigfox!

How does it work then?

And with this I can do arithmetic operations?

I can not install the plugin. I always get this error:
Ooops! Cannot process your request. Error 400 (cannot install plugin. account limits reached.)
What to do?

Yes, Sigfox plugin can do any arithmetic operation. It is possible to write custom NodeJS code in the processing, both on uplink and downlink. To install any plugin it is required a private cloud Instance. Checkout our solutions on