Thingerwifi +wifiesp+telegram libraries

I’m trying to do a proyect with conecting a Telegram bot with a esp-01 module. Telegram needs a SSL Client conection so I can’t find how to connect WifiESP SSL client to Telegrambot.

I found thingerWifi library to do a client SSL conection and I would like what is the way to do it.

May be that code?

#include < UniversalTelegramBot.h >
include < WiFiEsp.h >
include < ThingerWifi.h >
include < SoftwareSerial.h >

SoftwareSerial Serial1(7, 8);
// wifi conection code
const char* BotToken = “Telegram_credential”; // your Bot Token
const char* BOTname = “bot_name”;
const char* BOTusername = “bot_username”;

// this is code for general purposses ThingerWifi thing(USERNAME, DEVICE_ID, //DEVICE_CREDENTIAL);
ThingerWifi THING(bot_username, bot_name, Telegram_credential);
// now it is needed insert the wifi serure client in telegram like this: WiFiClientSecure client;

UniversalTelegramBot bot(BotToken, THING);

May be a way to use thingerWifi with Telegram?

How can I create a Wifi-Secure-Client socket for arduino+ESP-01?
Thanks a lot for your help

This is not related with itself, but for sure your code won’t work! If you require an SSL connection, just use the WiFiClientSecure instead of WifiClient. You will not need for that. Use WiFiClientSecure as any other Client in arduino…

Thank you very much for your quick answer!

I can’t find a valid object WifiClientSecure for WifiEsp library. I thougth ThingerWifi object could do the SSL socket conection.

Do u know any WifiClientSecure for this library?

Hi @evbelda, yes ThingerWifi do SSL connections, but it uses the underlying ESP8266 library. So, import the ESP8266 library, and use the WiFiClientSecure type. You can look at this example:


I couldn’t import ESP8266Wifi library using ESP-01+Mega 2650 board.
May be a problem of board configuration because with a Mega board configuration on the programing IDE this library is incompatible. So I have to change to a “ESP8266 Generic Module” board configuration and I dont find how to (put the correct parameters for the ESP+Mega board)

This problem it is out of, so Ill thy to find it in other way.

Thank for your help

same problem here