[THINGER] Auth Failed! Check username, device id, or device credentials

Hi folks,
I saw some discutions about this issue, however anyone was effectived for my issue.
I am using the thinger.io plataform in the cloud. I have created a new device and defined all fields as:

Device ID = A3PGAO
Device Credentials = 123456789
Username = racionna

I tested sucessfully the connection using a MQTT client.

When I try to connect using a ESP32 (TTGO-T7-V13), I got a connection error:

[THINGER] Writing bytes: 55 [OK]
[THINGER] Auth Failed! Check username, device id, or device credentials.
[_SOCKET] Is now closed!

#include <ThingerESP32.h>
#include <arduino_secrets.h>

void setup() {

  thing.add_wifi(SSID, SSID_PASSWORD);

void loop() {


I already disabled TLS using the #define DISABLE_TLS but no luck.

Has someone any idea, whats going on?

I had an SSL issue with esp8266 before and I changed in the file WiFiClientSecureBearSSL.cpp of the library
void WiFiClientSecure::_clearAuthenticationSettings() {

from : _use_insecure = false;
to: _use_insecure = true;

I hope this can be useful somehow in your case.

I got it! Thank you…

where’s i can find it?