I received some connection errors from my sigfox callbacks to an “on premise” installation of thinger.io.
2018-06-26 18:18:45 86B4DA Connection closed by peer cd663b65 56.72 600
2018-06-26 18:19:38 86B4DA Connection closed by peer cd667a66 21.09 600
[ERROR] - Base station 10B2 - 2 seconds
600 - Connection closed by peer - #4
POST https://thinger.somedomain.com/v1/users/username/buckets/bucketname/data HTTP/1.0
authorization : Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJqdGkiOiJTZW5zSVQiLCJ1c3IiOiJhbmdlbGludXgifQ.PKg0jWqNCErtxbz9vGmwDOdYO5Nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx[ERROR] - Base station 10B2 - 2 seconds
“device” : “86B4DA”,
“snr” : 56.72,
“rssi” : -94.00,
“station”: “10B2”,
“latitude”: 40.0,
“longitude”: -4.0
Can you give me some clue to fix it ??