Shared Dashboard -> Device property error

When I use text/Value widgets from a device property content, it works well in local console, but will fail in shared dashboard (error property not available).

I have also another issue with widgets from a device property content.
If I create a dashboard containing only text widgets and at least one with a device property, the dashboard gets deleted without notice.

Ok! Thanks for the report @rin67630 will fix that in the following release. Hope it is released in monday.

The dashboards are saved now.
Did you work on the database and the maintenance is finished?

Hi, the update will be rolled out today. Will keep you informed when it is done.

Hi @rin67630, the new version 2.8.2 is now available with this fix. You will need to disable and enable your shared dashboard again to properly update the permissions over the dashboard. Please, refresh also the page in the browser. Let me know if it works!


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It works perfectly!
Thank you!/dashboards/Noise?authorization=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJqdGkiOiJEYXNoYm9hcmRfTm9pc2UiLCJ1c3IiOiJEYWNoc2NoYWRlbjEifQ.REt1tp8quCmWTzefXebNzW-vKKVu-IeLQqGSUR_yloo
Thank you