Problem connecting ESP32 devices with paid account

Hello, we have carried out tests for a few months with a free account (qsegreti), using ESP32 devices programmed with Arduino sketches. Everything went fine. Now we have created a paid account (Blulogica), however by modifying the USERNAME and DEVICE_CREDENTIAL in the sketch appropriately, using the Blulogica username and the new credentials of device number 1, the device does not connect to the server. We have seen that the server url in our case is “”, but this variation with respect to the free account, involves changes to be made in the Arduino sketch or it should be sufficient to modify only the define USERNAME, DEVICE_CREDENTIAL and DEVICE_ID? Unfortunately we see the device always disconnected. We tried again with the free account credentials (qsegreti) and in this way the device connects correctly. How can we solve this problem? Thank you.

Hi @qsegreti

In order to connect to the new server you need to define a macro, at beginning of the sketch, to this server.

#define THINGER_SERVER "<server>"

Must be defined before #include <ThingerESP32.h>

Hope this works!

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Thank you Jaimebs! I solved the problem with your suggestion…

Thank you George!