Please help. Can not read voltage sensor after compile with thinger code

hello there, i made a simple project to measure a DC voltage using voltage sensor and ESP32. when i used my voltage sensor code, it worked to measured. but when i combined with code, it can’t worked. anyone help me about this problem?
this is my combined code:

#include <ThingerESP32.h>
#include "arduino_secrets.h"


const int analogPin = 15;
float Vmodule = 0.0; 
float result = 0.0;
float R1 = 30000.0; //30k
float R2 = 7500.0; //7500 ohm resistor, 
int value = 0;
void setup()
   pinMode(analogPin, INPUT);
   thing.add_wifi(SSID, SSID_PASSWORD);
   thing["voltage"] >> outputValue(result);
void loop()
   value = analogRead(analogPin);
   Vmodule = (value * 5.0) / 4095.0;
   result = Vmodule / (R2/(R1+R2));
   Serial.print("voltage from module = ");
   Serial.print(", measurement = ");

and this is the original code for voltage sensor:

const int analogPin = 15;
float Vmodule = 0.0; 
float result = 0.0;
float R1 = 30000.0; //30k
float R2 = 7500.0; //7500 ohm resistor, 
int value = 0;
void setup()
   pinMode(analogPin, INPUT);
void loop()
   value = analogRead(analogPin);
   Vmodule = (value * 5.0) / 4095.0;
   result = Vmodule / (R2/(R1+R2));
   Serial.print("voltage from module = ");
   Serial.print(", measurement = ");

and it’s the debug serial monitor for combined code:

[NETWORK] Starting connection...
[NETWORK] Connecting to network Sate gulung
[NETWORK] Connected to WiFi!
[NETWORK] Getting IP Address...
[NETWORK] Got IP Address:
[NETWORK] Connected!
[_SOCKET] Connecting to
[_SOCKET] Using secure TLS/SSL connection: yes
[_SOCKET] Connected!
[THINGER] Authenticating. User: stasiunsepedalistrik Device: ESP32
[THINGER] Writing bytes: 54 [OK]
[THINGER] Authenticated
voltage from module = 0.00volt, measurement = 0.00volt
[THINGER] Available bytes: 25
[THINGER] Writing bytes: 8 [OK]
voltage from module = 0.00volt, measurement = 0.00volt
[THINGER] Available bytes: 24
[THINGER] Writing bytes: 7 [OK]
voltage from module = 0.00volt, measurement = 0.00volt
voltage from module = 0.00volt, measurement = 0.00volt
voltage from module = 0.00volt, measurement = 0.00volt
voltage from module = 0.00volt, measurement = 0.00volt
voltage from module = 0.00volt, measurement = 0.00volt
voltage from module = 0.00volt, measurement = 0.00volt
voltage from module = 0.00volt, measurement = 0.00volt
voltage from module = 0.00volt, measurement = 0.00volt
voltage from module = 0.00volt, measurement = 0.00volt
voltage from module = 0.00volt, measurement = 0.00volt
voltage from module = 0.00volt, measurement = 0.00volt
voltage from module = 0.00volt, measurement = 0.00volt
voltage from module = 0.00volt, measurement = 0.00volt
voltage from module = 0.00volt, measurement = 0.00volt
voltage from module = 0.00volt, measurement = 0.00volt
voltage from module = 0.00volt, measurement = 0.00volt
voltage from module = 0.00volt, measurement = 0.00volt
voltage from module = 0.00volt, measurement = 0.00volt
voltage from module = 0.00volt, measurement = 0.00volt
voltage from module = 0.00volt, measurement = 0.00volt
voltage from module = 0.00volt, measurement = 0.00volt
voltage from module = 0.00volt, measurement = 0.00volt
voltage from module = 0.00volt, measurement = 0.00volt
voltage from module = 0.00volt, measurement = 0.00volt
voltage from module = 0.00volt, measurement = 0.00volt
voltage from module = 0.00volt, measurement = 0.00volt
voltage from module = 0.00volt, measurement = 0.00volt
voltage from module = 0.00volt, measurement = 0.00volt
voltage from module = 0.00volt, measurement = 0.00volt
voltage from module = 0.00volt, measurement = 0.00volt
voltage from module = 0.00volt, measurement = 0.00volt

the original debug:

voltage from module = 1.15volt, measurement = 5.73volt
voltage from module = 1.14volt, measurement = 5.72volt
voltage from module = 1.14volt, measurement = 5.72volt
voltage from module = 1.12volt, measurement = 5.58volt
voltage from module = 1.14volt, measurement = 5.72volt
voltage from module = 1.14volt, measurement = 5.71volt
voltage from module = 1.14volt, measurement = 5.72volt
voltage from module = 1.15volt, measurement = 5.74volt
voltage from module = 1.12volt, measurement = 5.61volt
voltage from module = 1.15volt, measurement = 5.73volt
voltage from module = 1.15volt, measurement = 5.75volt
voltage from module = 1.15volt, measurement = 5.76volt
voltage from module = 1.14volt, measurement = 5.71volt
voltage from module = 1.13volt, measurement = 5.66volt
voltage from module = 1.16volt, measurement = 5.78volt

please help me because this is for my final project on campus :’)
thank you.


ESP32 has two ADC, the ADC2 wont work if the WIFI is in use, change the reading pin to one assigned to ADC1


Hope this helps.

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hi ega, Thank u so much for helping me. it works! :smiley: