Platform Version 6.4


Community Release Date: 22-01-2025.

Private Servers Release Date: 29-01-2024.


  • Plugin Installation Dialog:

    • Support for custom volumes, enabling the mounting of custom file storages to plugins like Node-RED, FTP, etc.

Custom Volumes to be attached to Plugins

  • Support for configuring custom environment variables, e.g., for enabling Node-RED projects.

Custom Environment Variables on Plugins

  • Virtual Devices: Initial support for devices that are always connected and can fetch data from external resources (e.g., endpoints via products). Example use case: creating a weather device fetching weather data and forecasts.

Virtual Devices

  • Product Plugin Exporter: Export products to a file storage, with options to:

    • Set plugin image, name, description, and version.

    • Edit markdown readme with images, changelogs, etc.

New Product Plugin Exporter

  • New Event: endpoint_call_response, providing the result of endpoint calls.

  • Billing Menu for Admins: Added a menu item linking to the customer portal.

New Billing

  • Account Deletion: Community users can now delete their accounts.

Community users can remove their accounts

  • Enhanced Product Profile Resources: Resources can now target endpoints, plugins paths, call other api resources, and enable operations based on their responses.

  • Experimental MongoDB Backend:

    • Support for custom data retention policies for individual buckets.

    • Deprecates InfluxDB for new instances.

MongoDB Backend as new


  • Default Plugin Shell: Updated to point to /bin/sh (used in minimal images). Configurable via the parameter.

  • Plugin Installation: Plugins can now be installed directly from file storages, where Plugins are exported by default in the Plugin Exporter feature.

  • Plugin Management Page: Migrated to Angular with new features:

    • Supports reading and images from file storage.

New Plugin Management Page.

  • Console Component: Updated to Angular with text search functionality.

New console component migrated to Angular

  • Charts: Migrated to Angular using ng-apexcharts, resolving several issues.

  • Location Updates: Location properties now update with the current latitude and longitude values.

  • File Storage API:

    • Added support for specifying storage paths using the path parameter.

    • Automatically creates parent directories when uploading a file via PUT if they do not exist.

  • Swagger API Schema: Improved schema definitions for better clarity and usability.


  • Bucket Operations:

    • Resolved bucket writes with empty tag values.

    • Fixed bucket reads not using the project field.

  • Endpoint Calls:

    • Fixed endpoint call tests not displaying application/json body with UTF-8 encoding in response headers.
  • Plugin Environment Variables:

    • Fixed creation of environment variables for plugins without default values.

    • Fixed issues when adding environment variables to such plugins.

  • Project Roles: Fixed form creation for project roles.

  • Device Buckets: Fixed an unauthorized message when a project member accesses DeviceBucket.

  • Resource Streams: Fixed product resource streams not initializing for non-IoTMP/PROTO devices on connection.

  • Dashboard:

    • Fixed window titles containing placeholders.

    • Fixed removal of incorrect sub-widgets in group widgets.

    • Fixed missing sources in widgets within group widgets.

    • Sharing a dashboard now automatically grants file storage read permissions if required (e.g., for HTML widgets).

  • Frontend API: Fixed API resource permissions.

  • Mobile App: Fixed issues with loading HTML widgets.

  • HTML Widgets: Fixed reliance on public access to file storage.

  • Project Switching:

    • Admin users within a project no longer see the info page.

    • Redirecting to the default state when switching projects now applies to all users.

  • Resource List: Under some conditions, a resource list, i.e., devices, may display duplicated items.


Excellent!!! :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :tada: :tada: :tada: :clap: :clap: :clap: :confetti_ball: :confetti_ball: :confetti_ball:
Congratulations to the Thinger Team for this new evolution!
Without a doubt, the best IoT Platform/Ecosystem!!!

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A curiosity.
Is the change from InfluxDb to MongoDb related to the restrictions of InfluxDb 3.0?
Despite the supposed advances of InfluxDb 3.0, they announced that they will only release access to the main functionalities for the commercial version.

Hi @George_Santiago. Yes, the transition from InfluxDB to MongoDB is partly influenced by the restrictions of InfluxDB 3.0, but there’s more to it.

When started growing, MongoDB didn’t offer an efficient solution for handling time series data, so we adopted InfluxDB 1 and later InfluxDB 2 as alternatives. However, over time, MongoDB introduced official time series support, while InfluxDB 2 effectively stalled in development.

Additionally, we’ve encountered reliability and configurability issues with InfluxDB 2 in some projects. Now, with InfluxDB 3 changing its data models and query language once again and limiting the open-source version to recent time series only, MongoDB has become a much more attractive choice. We trust MongoDB as a long-term solution, and this shift also helps us reduce external dependencies in our deployments.

Ultimately, this decision aligns with our goal of improving platform stability and flexibility.

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Would it be possible to implement the functionality below to complement the new features in version 6.4?
It would allow the integration of the Dashboard with FileStorage as a source of data that could not be stored in the device properties for architectural reasons. Ex: Information that belongs to the Project, and not the device.

Hi @George_Santiago

These seem to be issues with completely different scopes. However well take a look into it for a next version as were are currently in the process of renovating dashboards and widgets.

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Very good news, @jaimebs

Considering the triad (Dashboard, Reports and Alarms), the Dashboard is the main “product” that we deliver to our client!

In Thinger, NodeRed allows you to issue a variety of Reports and send several Alarms (emails, SMS, WhatsApp, Telegram…). However, to improve the Dashboard, we need the Thinger Team for this evolution.

Below, we list the issues with the most significant implementation suggestions and corrections for the Dashboard:

If you were asked to choose the 3 main implementations, these would be them:

Justification: They add features that no other IoT platform provides. And these are implementations that impact the daily lives of those who consume the Dashboard data. It would be extremely important to help users in the proper interpretation of the messages sent by Devices/Sensors that, at times, may have malfunctions or be offline.

Other interesting suggestions:

And bugs that need to be fixed:

And something more challenging:

“as were are currently in the process of renovating dashboards and widgets”

Could you please include the bitterly missing widget to enter a numeric value?
Also a rotating arrow to indicate a heading or a wind direction is missing.
An on-off state display, switching between two free definable png images is also something that should belong to every dashboard, isn’t it?