Platform Version 4.4.0

[4.4.0] 2022-06-20


  • Bucket view now display tag values in the first columns

  • Buckets data query API now supports a new query param ‘fields’ for selecting specific fields from a bucket, i.e., ?fields=temperature,humidity

  • Buckets data query API now includes a v2 endpoint removing unnecessary ‘val’, or aggregation/transformation name on each measurement.


  • Dashboards now select only required fields from a bucket, improving bandwidth/resources for buckets with several fields
  • Bucket view now auto-resize columns according to the content size
  • Bucket view now display a ‘Loading’ overlay while fetching data
  • InfluxDB2 performance by relying on InfluxQL queries when possible
  • Grafana plugin is now able to automatically configure data sources (both InfluxDB1 (compatibility) and InfluxDB2)

My server is still on version 4.3.

Hi @George_Santiago

We are slowly updating the servers as they require some maintenance on the back end databases. We’ll get on yours through the next week.


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