Hi, @alvarolb e @jaimebs
The year is almost over (it’s already September). We would like to know what new features Thinger will be implementing this year.
The RoadMap on the documentation page is not up to date. Therefore, it would be very important to know where Thinger is heading, since the success of our IoT Business equally depends on the success of Thinger.
Thank you.
There are a set of suggested improvements on the Thinger Server github that we would like to see on the development RoadMap:
opened 01:06PM - 21 Sep 23 UTC
The button does not disable when the device is offline
The button on the dash… boad must be disabled when the device is offline. The current behavior (which allows you to turn the button on and off with the device offline) confuses the user.
Thinger Server: 5.3.2
opened 04:04PM - 04 Feb 23 UTC
Inform the Name, Asset Type, Asset Group and Project of the device on the screen… s: Status, Properties, API, Terminal…
Justification: Device identification is difficult when only the “Device_ID” is informed in the upper bar Ex: “Devices / b2d8f99bd2455dea / Properties”. Especially when using UUID rules for Device_ID.
Just a simple example (below), but it would help a lot. It would be important to reproduce the Name, Asset Type, Asset Group and Project information on the other screen: Properties, API, Terminal…
NOTE: Same information replicated also on the bucket screen

opened 07:38PM - 20 Jun 24 UTC
We really need clear signage for "Show Offline". The current flag (red clock) is… good, but many users using the Dashboard cannot interpret it. Many users read the value of the widget and forget to check the date and time of the information.
Therefore, we need a more ostentatious signal as an additional function to the red clock. We thought of a watermark in front of the widget. This would prevent the user from getting confused when reading the widget value.
This functionality will greatly improve users’ interpretation of panel data.


opened 04:41PM - 26 Sep 23 UTC
With the implementation of "Show Offline" in the widgets, it would be important … to define a state (color) for the LED widget to inform when the device is offline (or the bucket stops receiving data/uplinks), instead of informing the payload of the last uplink.
In the example below, the LED is gray to represent that the Device is Offline (or the bucket stops receiving data/uplinks) (Time overrun for "Show Offline").
This implementation will improve the experience of users analyzing Dashboard information and data.
This functionality follows the same logic as the suggestion made in the issue: [[Dashboard Screeen] - The button does not disable when the device is offline](https://github.com/thinger-io/thinger-server/issues/61)

opened 02:41PM - 26 Feb 23 UTC
On the top screen, it would be important to show the total number of devices and… those that are online and offline.
(Note1 : The space on the bar is underused [currently, it only has the information "Devices". There are possibilities to better use the space on the bar]. Therefore, having this additional information would help in Device Administration.)
(Note2: On the **mobile device screen**, it would be important to show the same information in the bar [total number of devices, number of devices online, offline, disabled])

opened 04:15PM - 03 Feb 23 UTC
Option to hide or disable dashboard tabs for certain users (This functionality w… ould be very useful to allow, for example, access to a certain tab only for technical support users);
A complement to the new user access rules functionality would be:
Hide dashboard tabs for specific users.
Painel = Access for all users
Settings = Some users only (eg tech support)

opened 07:46PM - 03 Feb 23 UTC
Having unnecessary digits (eg 86.00) in the graph only makes it difficult for th… e user to interpret.
It would be useful to provide a field to limit the digits in the Time Series.

Gauges documentation states that it is possible to “cut” leading zeros and limit decimals with the parameters data-value-int="1" data-value-dec="0" in the html or valueInt=1 valueDec =0 in javascript. So it would be easy to provide a field for the user to limit the decimal places.

opened 10:31AM - 14 Nov 23 UTC
Include a caption (pop-up) to inform the project name in the grid,, similar to w… hat is done with the device connection date and time pop-up.
Justification: Some projects are identified by number. Therefore, it would be important to visualize the project name when the mouse is over the project identification on the grid.

opened 02:23PM - 04 Feb 23 UTC
I identified that the legend is not displayed on the Time Series graph in Full S… creen mode. In the image below, the legend (data and time) are not visible, when clicking on the graph point (red arrow).
Apparently it’s a bug.
Tested in Chrome browser on Android and Desktop Windows.
Print Chrome Mobile Android (Full Screen Mode)
<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/22058152/216772309-01c9f309-6ddb-4e75-bf88-86fb83aa3ecc.png" width=250>
<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/22058152/216772319-1a7ef865-a58b-45f4-a79d-e9fc33d88e5c.png" width=500>
We would like to obtain this information to understand where the platform’s development is heading.
For a few months now, we have been noticing the implementation of many interesting features, but some are exclusive to “Products”, such as the inclusion of the option to view the “Bucket” of Products launched in version 6.2.2.
This was a feature we suggested , but it is not available for Devices (not Products). My Thinger Server is on version 6.3.3-beta and this option does not appear for Devices (not Products).
This type of decision concerns us, as this is a feature that adds a lot to the menu navigation experience, but it is not available for Devices (not Products).
We would like to see this feature also made available for Devices (not Products), since we do not work with Products.
Our Business model is based on Projects, since we provide customized services to B2B companies. We do not work with mass sales of products. All of our devices are developed and rented to the client, as this is part of our service. We do not sell our devices.
Therefore, we would like to see the features that were made available for Products also made available for Devices (not Products), whenever possible.
We also noticed that in 2023 there was a plan to revamp the Projects functionality (Projects Manager 2.0 with individual groups (ABOUT | Thinger.io Documentation ), but there is no indication of this in the 2024 roadmap. We would like to know if there are plans to improve the Thinger Projects module or if the focus is now only on Products.
Some clarification would be important so that the Thinger community knows where we are heading.
Just to mention:
Could you consider adding following widgets that I bitterly miss to Thinger.io | Open Source IoT Platform
Radio button (chose 1 out of n options, ideally named according to a configurable array).
Direct value input (constrained to min … max limits).
Rotating arrow (0…360°) to show heading or wind direction.
I am sure not being the only one, who would benefit from these widgets.
@George_Santiago : This can currently be done with a dashboard function.
function FixValue(value, ts, series){
return parseFloat(value.toFixed(2));
Thanks @SRG !
1 Like
Thanks Ringo for the suggestion.
I’ll test it and report back.
There are many interesting suggestions posted on Thinger’s Github. Some are easy to implement. However, we don’t understand why they haven’t been implemented yet, since they directly impact the User Experience.
We’d love to hear about upcoming Thinger implementations for , but so far we haven’t heard anything.