OTA firmware update failing


I’m having big issues trying to run OTA updates with the 1.1.2 and 1.1.1 extension on VS Code. I’m uploading a firmware to Arduino rp2040 boards remotely with good (actually great) signal strength, and it always fails around 10/15%. The device reboots and comes back online, but I literally cannot update anything right now. Is there a known bug or something to look for with the new extension? It used to work perfectly before.



I recommend you to try with thinger’s basic code with this device, no other library or instructions just thinger example, in order to verify if the device updates.

If the update runs without issue, you need to check the code to find the bug.

If it does not update, document the issue in order to help developers fix the potential bug.

Hope this helps.

Apparently, the library changed the byte transfer rate.

I also had several problems. I was only able to do OTAs without problems when I changed the byte transfer rate. See examples below:

#include <ThingerESP32OTA.h>

#include <ThingerConsole.h>

ThingerESP32OTA ota(thing);


// ota.set_block_size(256);
// ota.set_block_size(512);
// ota.set_block_size(1024);
// ota.set_block_size(1024);
// ota.set_block_size(2048);

I am currently using ota.set_block_size(1024); as default