Online time not working well

Is there any regulation to adjust

#define KEEP_ALIVE_MILLIS 60000

as I have connected system using GSM and after while it got this message

Connecting to
04:06:04.619 -> [_SOCKET] Using secure TLS/SSL connection: no
04:06:05.366 -> [_SOCKET] Connected!
04:06:05.366 -> [THINGER] Authenticating. User: XXXX Device: mmm
04:06:05.366 -> [THINGER] Writing bytes: 33 [OK]
04:06:05.840 -> [THINGER] Authenticated

even no thing changed and network coverage is fine , power supply to module is 4.2v and system is working well, only resetting the connection and Zeroing online time.

Hello @Moahmed_ELnahas,

Do you mean to adjust the keep-alive timing from the platform? It isn’t, but you can make the modification in the library, forcing shorter or larger intervals.

Okay, Thank you.