Newbie Question

Hi Folks,

I am hopeing someone can assist,please.

My setup consists of an arduino with a dragino shield as a temperature/humidity node this sends data to The Things Stack via my Rak/Pi gateway.
I am now looking to integrate this data to so the data can be viewed on a dashboard,
Currently the project is for personal learning with the intention of utilising a few home built nodes in future .
My question, Is capable of connecting to my nodes via the Thing Stack using webhooks, would that be the best way to achieve this , I would also be interested in reading more about connections/integrations etc if anyone can point me in the direction of a good read .
Any help would be much appreciated

Hi @Steve_Shuff has an ad-hoc plugin to integrate devices from TTS and a webhook integration the TTS Console. You may find our official doc which should be the same as the webhook integration documentation we uploaded to The Things Industries documentation

Also, to be able to add plugins you would need at least a small cloud subscription with us. You can check them out here

Let me know if you have additional questions