Mobile android app?

What about the Android mobile app?
Is it possible to make it work on Android? the link on the website redirects to a broken website and the old application in googleplay simply does not work.


Thank you for reaching out to us regarding the Android mobile app. We understand your concerns and apologize for any inconvenience caused by the issues with the app link and its functionality.

We are excited to inform you that we are actively working on a new version of the Android/iOS mobile app and expect to release it within this month. The upcoming release aims to address the issues and enhance the user experience significantly.

Please stay tuned to our community forums and announcements for the latest updates! We appreciate your patience and support as we work to improve our platform.

This is very good news. I’m looking forward.
Is there an option to try the previous version of the application?
Mainly I just have a temperature readout and a few buttons.

Is there any news?

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Any news, friend?

Hi @zkz_zkz-zg

We are in the final stages before publishing the app and are currently conducting internal testing. It will be available soon for both iOS and Android.

Here is a sneak peak:

Thank you for your patience. We will announce this through our main channels soon, so please stay tuned for updates!


I can’t wait :slight_smile: