Managing a large number of device specific buckets, integrating results

I am currently in contact with an interesting African project dealing with e-bikes.
They plant to get a potentially large number of connected solar charging stations each of them having 8, 16 or 24 battery loaders.
Every battery loader should get an ESP device to record the charge data and write an own bucket. Every bucket has exactly the same structure.

Downloading every bucket individually as a CSV file and integrating the results on a separate computer looks like a clumsy solution.

Have you got a possibility to merge all buckets with a given name structure into a group bucket within a account?


Hello @rin67630

From the description I feel that it perfectly fits as a Product (from thinger features), all the data of the ESP devices would be saved in one bucket, alongside a tag for the device identifier, opening the possibility to export the data for all of them, or for individual devices, being the latter an upcoming feature. They could also be auto provisioned in the platform following an id pattern, and many more possibilities.

An example image with a device tag filter:

We suggest you check them out, as well as for whats available in the documentation and we’ll try to help you out from here with any doubts that you may have.

Thank you, but don’t we have a serious problem if several devices are simultaneously writing in the same bucket?


Im curious, what problem do you see?


OK i am currently on a maker plan, with limited bucket abilities, can only update once a minute, with several devices to the same bucket it’s a problem.

I am currently helping a Namibian project to provide reporting for chargers of e-Bikes.
They should then go for a small private cloud.without the 1 minute bucket update limitation.

I haven’t yet any experience with these private clouds. I am a retired engineer doing that for fun, can’t afford a business plan.