LORIOT Plugin Version 1.0.0

LORIOT Plugin Version 1.0.0


As we continue integrating Thinger.io with other IoT infrastructure partners, we are excited to announce our new plugin for connecting devices from the LORIOT LoRaWAN® infrastructure server to Thinger.io.

With LORIOT’s support, we’ve made it easy for users to relay device messages into Thinger.io while automating device provisioning, bucket creation, and payload decoding. This simplifies the integration process and ensures a smooth data flow between platforms.

The full installation instructions of the plugin can be found here.

New Milesight AM103 Integration

Alongside this plugin, we’re also introducing a new Product Template designed specifically for Milesight AM103 devices, ensuring perfect compatibility with LORIOT.

Milesight AM103 faceplate

Checkout the Milesight A103 integration here

Checkout LORIOT homepage

:rocket: We’d love to hear how this integration helps your IoT projects! Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://marketplace.thinger.io/announcements/loriot-plugin-version-100/