Integrating Tasmota to

Hi I got stuck upon the MQTT connection of a Tasmota device to
The connexion succeeds and the device appears connected.
The device has however no properties and no resources.
The event inspector shows an event every minute, but it is not decoded in resources.

PPS: on some received messages the JSON appears decoded:

    "asset_group": "",
    "asset_type": "",
    "device": "TestingMQTT",
    "dup": 0,
    "event": "device_topic_publish",
    "payload": {
        "ANALOG": {
            "Temperature": 35
        "ENERGY": {
            "ApparentPower": 0,
            "Current": 0,
            "Factor": 0,
            "Period": 0,
            "Power": 0,
            "ReactivePower": 0,
            "Today": 0.041,
            "Total": 0.056,
            "TotalStartTime": "2024-06-27T12:14:50",
            "Voltage": 229,
            "Yesterday": 0.015
        "TempUnit": "C",
        "Time": "2024-08-29T10:17:05"
    "product": "",
    "qos": 0,
    "retain": 0,
    "topic": "tele/KitchenWater/SENSOR",
    "ts": 1724919425904,
    "user": "B*********l"

But still no device’s resources showing up.

Finally, I got it: one must use a bucket and update the bucket from MQTT.
The topic must be the “topic” mentioned in the event inspector for the message containing the desired data.
In my case:


Then the bucket gets populated and you can make widgets related to the bucket only in a dashboard.
N.B. You can’t make widgets related to the MQTT device, this was promised, but never got implemented.

But I hat regrettably to remove my recommendation to use most Tasmota devices with Thinger.
ESP8266-based Tasmota devices (80% of them are) cannot use cyphered communication and will transmit your credentials in clear text. That is just inacceptable !

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