HTTP protocol example for Arduino/ESP32? [SOLVED]

Hi, I got my NodeMCU ESP 32S (Wroom2) measuring with a BME280 sensor and want to monitor these data online (and later expand my sensor network).

Using Blynk as IoT platform works, but is not very satisfactory (just mobile app; no cloud/web interface). and cannot connect the device (WiFi connects), which leads me to the conclusion that there is a problem with the MTQQ protocol (?). Unfortunately, I cannot modify the router settings.

Thus, I would like to try using the HTTP protocol. Is there a code example for Arduino/ESP32 or similar?

Best, Robert

Hello Robert,

Why can’t you connect your device using have you tried to program it with the Arduino framework example?

Try this: download library in your Arduino IDE and open ESP32 Example, put your device and WiFi credentials and flash the sketch. If it can’t connect, just include these definitions in the first line of your code:

#define _DEBUG_ //to show the connection trace and detect any problem with credentials, TLS or WiFi
#define _DISABLE_TLS_  //only if appears any problem with it

Then open a serial port using “Serial.begin(115200)” and let us know the results

Hi, the DEBUG output does not work for some reason (other serial output commands work well).

The solution was to use the correct Thinger library:

NodeMCU ESP32:
#include <ThingerESP32.h>
ThingerESP32 thing(

Wemos D1 mini:
#include <ThingerESP8266.h>
ThingerESP8266 thing(

Best, Robert