Hello, I would like to know how to make a bidirectional connection with thinger.io and Sigfox, I cannot find any information on this topic on the network.
Thank you.
And if someone can help me, I would greatly appreciate it.
Hello @Vale,
Unfortunately this is not possible using classic Thinger.io version, but from September '19 it will be possible to use an improved version of the platform, which includes an integration plugin with Sigfox and functionalities to send data to the devices using the callback of the communication.
so stay tuned because this and many other features will be possible really soon.
I am also looking to integrate Sigfox downlink function via thinger.io platform. May I know the readiness of the “improved version”?
Hello @alfred.wong,
It is ready, please check my last answer to your other post. However, all the information about the new integration can be found here