Gboard SIM900 conenction

Hi. I am trying to connect a GBoard SIM900 SIMCom board to Thinger. For this I am using the ArduinoTinyGsm sketch with the following configuration:

// Select your modem:
//#define TINY_GSM_MODEM_SIM800
// Emulate Serial1 on pins 10/11 if HW is not present (use interrupt pin in RX for better performance)
#include "SoftwareSerial.h"
SoftwareSerial Serial1(2, 3); // RX, TX

,but this is what I get from the serial monitor:

[NETWORK] Starting connection…
[NETWORK] Network Status: 4
[NETWORK] Restarting Modem…
[NETWORK] Waiting for Network…
[NETWORK] Cannot connect network!
[NETWORK] Cannot connect!
[NETWORK] Starting connection…
[NETWORK] Network Status: 4
[NETWORK] Restarting Modem…
[NETWORK] Waiting for Network…
[NETWORK] Cannot connect network!
[NETWORK] Cannot connect!

I have tested changing Rx and Tx by 10.11 respectively but it also does not find the network.
Also checked the sufficient balance of the card.

Attached image of the board and its pin configuration (RX, TX):

Thanks in advance.

Do you have the antenna? Look for the modem´s manual, I suggest use and sketch that you can send commands by the serial console and try to diagnose the signal that the modem is receiving, it must be over about -70dBm (be carefull with the minus, -50dBm is more than -70dBm) to have good signal.

Greetings and thanks for your response. I will review all the parameters indicated and comment on the results obtained.

After having reviewed all the parameters and done the tests with the examples of IDE it seems that everything is correct on the Gboard.
At this point, I do not know the reason for not connecting.

Thank you.