Example devicePropertyWidget.js don't work on property with source = Product

hello , i ve tested your example devicePropertyWidget.js & html to change value of device property and it is ok . but when i 've create a new device with Product and property source change from "Device " to “Product” , your example: devicePropertyWidget.js working only on reading , but when a try to change value there is this error:

PATCH https://securlift.aws.thinger.io/v3/users/securlift/devices/test5/properties/test 404 (Not Found)

there is mode to update your example code for devices with Property source = product ?

Can you please try to change the patch call from the example to update? Patch with try to check the property exists on the device, while the update will set it right away. Something like:

$scope.save = function(){
    // just call our api to patch values
    $scope.api.update({value: $scope.value}).then(result => {
    }).catch(error => {
