Error compiling ArduinoEthernet example - solved

I just downloaded the latest Arduino IDE and the latest Thinger device library (2.13.0). I tried compiling the ArduinoEthernet example and it gave a bunch of errors. The problem turned out to be a definition in a thinger include file. From C:\Users\xxxx\Documents\Arduino\libraries\\src\thinger\thinger_resource.hpp:

class thinger_resource {

enum io_type {
none = 0,
run = 1,
pson_in = 2,
pson_out = 3,
pson_in_pson_out = 4

enum access_type{
    PRIVATE     = 0,
    PROTECTED   = 1,
    PUBLIC      = 2,
    INTERNAL    = 3

Unfortunately, the identifier “INTERNAL” is already an Arduino system macro, so it cannot be used here. However, the thinger definition does not appear anywhere in the thinger code, so renaming it or removing it here solves the problem. Hope that helps!

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