Endpoint for whatsapp

How can I send a message selected endpoint type for whatsapp?

Do you have any documentation of the whatsapp api?

Hello @alvarolb ! :slight_smile:

I was interested in this topic. It was from 2021 but now we are in 2024 and maybe there are changes :slight_smile:

I want that when something is triggered (like for example when a sensor detects something) that then a whatsapp were sent.

My first question is: Will be an endpoint in thinger.io with Whatsapp?

If not, what do you recommend? I have done a little researchment and I would love to know your recommendation :slight_smile:

I have found out that there are some nodes in Node-red for sending a whatsapp: Library - Node-RED

I have found that some of them are made by bots, maybe some of the have a max limit of calls.

And then exists WhasApp Business API:

Thank you in advance!


I see interesting to test the available nodes, however note that those are developed by 3rd party providers, so there are no official support from thinger to those specific nodes, neither node red itself, the support scope reach up to the plugin integration and thinger’s nodes, I personally used a whatsapp node that worked good, but was not stable, it get disconnected and does not connect automatically and therefore stopped sending notifications and last it reached the point that it just not connected anymore, so I discarded it.

So I would recommend to try the nodes and check if them fits your specific needs.

I share with you the official road map → ABOUT - Thinger.io Documentation

But for sure the development team pays attention to requests that are popular, so I guess it would be useful if the community get involved and support a request like this, to start the process of feasibility evaluation to include into the official development roadmap.

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Those systems do work, I tested them myself, especially through the node-red plugin. The problem is that they have a limit of free messages, I think it was 20… after that there is the paid version.
(be careful, it doesn’t work very well either, there are many messages that are lost…)