Defining tag keys in influxdb

I am using InfluxDB inside of Thinger. I am sending data using ArduinoJson library to thinger from my NodeMCU (ESP8266). I am sending parameters like SensorID, temperature, location. By default, InfluxDB considers these as field keys. But, I want to convert location parameter from field key to tag key. How can I do that? @ega @alvarolb

Hi @Technically_Nerd, this is an ongoing feature that we expect to release quite soon, along with other features that help scaling number of devices.

It will look like this in the bucket configuration:

Best regards.

In the above example, I want to define location as Tag instead of Field. So, looks like I will be able to do that based on the screenshot you provided. What is the earliest you can provide this feature? We need it as soon as possible so that we can deliver it to our customer.