Climastick Compiling errors Arduino 1.8.5

I am just a starter with the Climastick and have compiling problems.
Even the examples won’t Compile.
I get strange errors:
Arduino\libraries\ClimaStick-master\src\I2Cdev.cpp:64:14: warning: #warning Using current Arduino IDE with Wire library is functionally limiting. [-Wcpp]
#warning Using current Arduino IDE with Wire library is functionally limiting.

Arduino\libraries\ClimaStick-master\src\I2Cdev.cpp:276:75: note: candidates are:
In file included from d:\gebruikers\hennie\arduinodata\packages\esp8266\tools\xtensa-lx106-elf-gcc\1.20.0-26-gb404fb9-2\xtensa-lx106-elf\include\c++\4.8.2\algorithm:62:0,




arduinodata\packages\esp8266\tools\xtensa-lx106-elf-gcc\1.20.0-26-gb404fb9-2\xtensa-lx106-elf\include\c++\4.8.2\bits\stl_algo.h:4226:5: note: template<class _Tp, class _Compare> _Tp std::min(std::initializer_list<_Tp>, _Compare)
min(initializer_list<_Tp> __l, _Compare __comp)

arduinodata\packages\esp8266\tools\xtensa-lx106-elf-gcc\1.20.0-26-gb404fb9-2\xtensa-lx106-elf\include\c++\4.8.2\bits\stl_algo.h:4226:5: note: template argument deduction/substitution failed:

Arduino\libraries\ClimaStick-master\src\I2Cdev.cpp:276:75: note: mismatched types ‘std::initializer_list<_Tp>’ and ‘unsigned char’

         for (uint8_t k = 0; k < length; k += min(length, BUFFER_LENGTH)) {

Hello @Hennie_Berkenbosch,

The problem is that I2Cdev.h library is not compatible with ESP8266 2.4.0 Arduino core. We are working on solve this problem using other library for the MPU6050 but, until now, you can work with the 2.3.0 version of ESP8266 community core without problems.


Thanks for the answer , i will try it today .:ok_hand:

Another problem , first time uploaden workt fine.
Compiling is working.
but now something is something going wrong .
Can’t upload anymore.

warning: espcomm_sync failed
error: espcomm_open failed
error: espcomm_upload_mem failed
error: espcomm_upload_mem failed

This is only a communication problem. To solve it make sure that you have selected the right serial com, and the SILABS CP210x driver installed.

Then if everything is right and the problem persist, constrain a flashmode bootup by holding USR button when reset.

All of this is extensevely explained in the documentation: