Cannot export a bucket

I am a bit dazzled:
I want to export one of the buckets of mine and get
Cannot process your request
Error (400): the requested is currently importing data

I never requested an import.
Where does that error message come from and how to get rid of it?

Hi @rin67630

Cloning a bucket exports the original one and imports into the new one, that is the reason for the import message in your instance.

There currently seems to be a bug which we are working on, so for the time being I don’t recommend using this feature.

We’ve changed the status of your bucket causing issues so you are able to remove it or use it.

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Thank you and thumbs up for fixing !

Will your fix resolve the existing buckets in permanent “import” condition retroactively?
I currently still have two buckets stuck in “import” stage.

Hello @rin67630

I believe those two buckets stuck in import state were created after my previous response. Where these new issues caused by cloning the buckets or by importing data into them? So we can keep track of the issues that might occur.

The issue of the cloning bucket is reported in the GitHub repository, so we will fix it as soon as we are able to.

For the time being, We’ve restored the state of your two stuck in importing buckets.

Thank you. Im afraid Michel did clone the buckets. I have instructed him to avoid that unless a fix exists.

Okay, thank you @rin67630, and sorry about these issues