Arduino Nano 33 IOT


i have setup an own server.
But now i would like to use an arduino nano 33 IOT and connect it to my server.

Non of the examples work on the Nano 33 IOT.

Can anybody please help me?

Hello @raystream,

To use your own server you only have to set the IP in your device code with:

However, there is not a specific Nano 33 IoT integration yet, so the first part will be adapt another library or try with a similar device’s one… I think that the Arduino MKR 1010 has exactly the same combination of processor and WiFi module, so maybe you can try with File>Examples>>Arduino>ArduinoMKR1010 example code.

you will need to download Arduino WiFi NINA library


using the example code for the ArduinoMKR1010 was not compiling.
I edited the thinger_resource.hpp and commented out the block starting with:

#ifdef --has_include

now the code compile and uploaded to the Nano33IOT.

But on the debug output i get the following error:

[_SOCKET] Connecting to myip:25202…
[_SOCKET] Using secure TLS/SSL connection:yes
[_SOCKET] Error while connecting!

if i use:


it is working

Hello @raystream!

Glad to see that the code works properly. To enable the TLS you only have to introduce fingerprint certificate in your PCB. Just opening tools>WiFi 101 / WiFi NiNa firmware updater and including in the “update SSL root certificates” box, as is explained in the MRK1000 integration documentation :

Hope it helps!