Alarm rules configuration

I have the following bucket “fault” , but I can’t understand how to configure the ALARM rules to ensure that when a write to a row on bucket fault occurs, a recorded alarm is generated.

Hello @secur_lab

Currently the alarms are limited for what you are trying to achieve. The alarm rules are not yet able to execute a condition for each new data item, and are also not able to perform string comparisons.

However, there are some ways you can circumvent some of this limitations by setting up a low check interval, 1 minute for example, and check for the value of err, which is numeric. Lastly, I believe this would only give you the last error that occurred for each device.

Here is an example configuration:


thank you , ok now it works, i 've just changed the condition err_code.err IS ABOVE 0 , to activate notification for all alams

so i’ve now this instances :

but there is mode to show Values the field def on bucket (instead of the err_code.err 35) ,
on this field def (on buket ) there is description of error ?

I tried that when a second alarm occurs on the specific device, the first one is overwritten. Is it possible to keep both?

when I go to a user (user project with alarm * * rules activated) the alarm list is empty. How can I generate a specific alarm related to the project, so that project users only see the alarms of their specific devices?

best regards