Accessing the response HTTP status code from End Points

Hi, I have an EndPoint of type HTTP Request. When invoked, the HTTP request (a POST in my case) returns an HTTP status code: 200 if successful, 400 if I messed up things or 500 if the target service is fubar. In addition, the response includes a JSON body. (To be specific I invoke the Pushover API, but my query on this forum is generic for any HTTP Request made via a Thinger End Point.)

Is there a way for me to access this HTTP status code from Arduino code? All thing.call_endpoint returns is a boolean, not entirely sure what it means but I suspect this is a simple acknowledgement that the Thinger platform has registered the call, not that it’s been executed (kind of async behaviour).

Going one step further, is there a way to obtain the response body of the HTT request made via an End Point?

hy @14geronimo,

right now this is not possible with thinger, you will need to create an http client in your device or use node RED.

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Was something changing?

you can implement the http client in your code. But actually, using Node-RED plugin is really simple, for example with this flow:

if you can place here the request I will modify “get_pson_data” node and send you the flow in json (that can be easily imported) in order to provide a better example


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