A LOT of strange problems with ESP devices finally solved

I got recently a lot of strange problems:

My Arduino IDE did only display sporadically a few of the ~20 connected ESP8266 devices as OTA candidates I have.
And once I found a match to upload, it seemed to upload, but did not.
My dashboards in Thinger displayed erratic results.

After a long troubleshooting i finally found the very cause:

What is not supposed to happen, happened: two of my ESP devices had the same MAC-Address !
The manufacturer is supposed to guarantee that the MAC address of an ESP device is unique?
It was not !

So, if your Thinger-dashboard is playing crazy and you can’t figure the cause: think to verify that you really have unique MAC-Addresses in your network.
I suppose some routers will report the conflict, my AVM Fritzbox router (a reputable brand) did not…

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