Distribute an ESP binary for Thinger to noobs

The Thinger Edition ist on the rails.
It patches the binary, uploads the code and now can personalise template files to directly deliver ready configured dashboards adjusted to the user’s credentials.
After adjusting the user just copies/paste the configuration to the developer view of the corresponding dashboard.

I suppose you have no API to create empty dashboards / buckets directly without the browser?
Else, I could do that with Python as well to simplify even more the initialization of a fresh new Thinger.io account.

The PythonPatcherTE.py (Thinger Edition) is tested and running.

>>> %Run PythonPatcherTE.py
Welcome to PythonPatcher Thinger-Edition for ESP devices 
from RIN67630 @ https://github.com/rin67630/ESP_Binary_patcher
Please read the instruction file to pre-configure a new account/device at Thinger.io: PreConfigureThinger.txt

Please select a file from: 
[1] ESP_SwissArmyKnife_Rev06_2024.ino.bin
Select .bin file[1-1]: 1
working on ESP_SwissArmyKnife_Rev06_2024.ino.bin, let's begin to patch !
Enter SSID:GW-FM-7390
Enter Password:*******
Enter Device Name:Witty
Enter Cloud User Name:spThinger
Enter Device Credentials:*****
Patched binary ESP_SwissArmyKnife_Rev06_2024.ino_patched.bin saved
Flashing it now to the ESP device on the first valid serial port? n
Reflash the ESP Over The Air (OTA, needs device IP y
Enter IP of the device to flash [nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn]
Enjoy your reflashed ESP device ! 

I found these dashboards templates: ['z_Thinger.Min.h', 'z_Thinger.Sec.h']
Personalising these templates to your credentials ?y
Opening each file and replacing b'Cloudname' with b'spThinger'; replacing b'Device' with b'Witty' ...
Please read the instructions to post-configure the dashboards @ Thinger.io: PostConfigureThinger.txt
Proud to have served you as user, enjoy https://console.thinger.io

It works fine now.
Tomorrow, I will recreate everything on a Vanilla Windows system and on a Vanilla macOS system, create a fresh empty Thinger account and document every step.

I will deliver also my evaluation binary ESP_SwissArmyKnife_Rev06_2024, in a configuration that requests only a blank ESP8266 to deliver live Noise Meter values, and two Dashboard templates, so you can wonder what one can do with only an ESP8266 backed by Thinger.io !

I would like to see the option to enter Cloud Hostname, i.e., with a default value for the community servers (iot.thinger.io), so the users from the private servers can benefit also from the tool

No problem to enter a new information and define defaults.
But what are you calling “Cloud Hostname” is it the baseline Web URL for custom servers?
Where is that info used in the ESP code?
I thought that the Thinger API automatically routes to the corresponding customer’s server right from the user credentials?