API possibility

Does anyone have a vieuw of the API calls possible and description?

I will try to create some API documentation for interacting with the devices using the REST API. At this moment you can get a general overview by looking at this post where the IFTTT calls the API for displyaing some information in a screen:

What are you trying to integrate?

I would like to integrate a botton in a webpage or create a direct link that will interact with my iot. Change led value or other.
I think that this will help me https://api.thinger.io/v2/users/<>/devices/<<device_id>>/<>?authorization=<<device_token>

I see a button : show query in the api section. If it is possible to see the query it would help me. Today this buton seems to do the same as run.

Yes, you got the idea. This is the general url for accessing a device resource. It requires your username, your device id, the resource name, and the authorization (that you can generate in the device tokens section).

The Show API button does nothing at this moment. The idea is to see there the API request, but it is not implemented yet. I suggest you to open the API Explorer with the Chrome browser and open the Javascript console. There you can see all the HTTP requests that are executed when you interact in the API Explorer with your device.

Let me know if you finally get it working! :grinning: